Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Making the Poster

We have previously researched posters here which gave us the inspiration for designing our own poster.

While filming we took a few stills, we particularly liked this one so decided to try it out as the poster.  We got the lone character/zombie idea for the poster from the poster for "The Walking Dead" and "The Crazies".  Even though the zombie girl is good, we decided the background didn't look right.  We decided to try to Photoshop it onto a different background.  

This didn't quite work as well as we had hoped...

Sadly putting the 2 images together didn't look like we thought it was, so we scrapped this idea and decided to try a whole new angle. 

This time we wanted a poster more like "Day of the Dead" or "Dead Snow"  these 2 posters are bloody and grotesque with a close up of a single zombie.  In our shooting we took a screen shot of the zombie looking ominous and chilling and cropped it down so it was the size of an A3  poster.

Once the image was cropped we enhanced the contrast, brightness, saturation and gamma exposure to create a more sinister feel. We decided to try a red filter over the poster to enhance the blood. Once this was done, we added the Title 'X Y DEAD' and the main actors' names, along with 'COMING SOON' in big red letters and the information required on posters such as the small credits and film rating.

While we liked all other aspects of the poster, the red filter washed out the colour and made the title and actors' names blend together, it also was very different from the colour scheme we used in the trailer, which is not what we wanted.  We took of the filter and sharpened the image to make it more intense, we also used the drip of blood coming down the girls chest as the 'i' of coming soon.

This is our final poster

By using the same girl from several shots as well as the white eyes with defined black pupils that are in the trailer, and using the same blood splatter font, our poster has continuity with our trailer.

Hope you like it :)

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