Thursday, 21 March 2013

New Media Technologies - Evaluation question

New media technologies were crucial to the overall creation of our film trailer, poster, website and blog. Without them this task would have been impossible. The use of a camera (The Cannon EOS 600D) in the construction phase of our trailer meant that we were able to capture the shots designed for our trailer in high quality. This particular camera also had greater zoom than if we were to have used on of the school's cameras.
we used our camera phones in the planning stages, when were were location scouting. The fact that camera phones are easily portable and often with a decent mega pixel camera allowed us to take a photo of any potential areas that looked desolate enough to have been through a zombie apocalypse. The apple macs were a new media technology that was vital to the success of our trailer, website, blog and poster.
 The first application we used was Safari, to access the Internet. the Internet was useful as it allowed us to gather information and research. we used Youtube to research how to create effective wounds., which greatly aided the quality of zombie movie. We then used the Intenet to create various pages on social networking sites, including; Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook as well as Blogger. By creating and updating these interactive social networks we aimed to connect with our ideal target audience, teenagers.
By using the macs we were also able to use Imovie. This allowed us to upload our footage to the computers as well as edit the shot. We could cut the clip, change the speed, change he colour saturation, as well as flip the image and rearrange the shots until we had reached the desired product.
I move also allowed us to add music to improve the atmosphere of our trailer. We used Youtube converter to download a royalty free piece of music that added pace.
However for the first part of the trailer we wanted non-diegetic low strings to build tension. But we could not find the sound we wanted on Youtube or in the pre-recorded section of Garageband. So we used the keyboard and using a cello sound we made a sustained minor chord.
Using Iphoto was fundamental to the development of our ancillary tasks. On the homepage of our website we had alternating screen shots from our trailer. We used it for the same purpose with the blog and for the poster.
When creating the poster we also use Microsoft word on the computers a our Apple macs didn't have photo shop or an equivalent photo editing software.

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